Always thinking of our fat-stringed brethren, we had to make a 3-channel, programmable, rig-in-a-box for bassists who can’t get enough of a great thing. Like the TRI-A.C. for guitar, you get three hot tones right at your toetips. The all-analog circuitry features the same controls as its single channel predecessor: Drive, Bass, Treble, Presence, Blend and Level. Digital only in its programmability, you just tweak the knobs until you find a tone, double-tap on a footswitch, and it’s saved in that channel. It’s that simple. Three of your faves — to go!
• Build your Bass Driver DI into a live rig with a Bass Power Engine 60, and run through the PA for extra power.
• Boldly go live with just your Bass Driver DI straight into the PA.
• Bounce into any studio with a Programmable Bass Driver DI and plug directly into the board.
• BUILT-IN SPEAKER/CAB SIM: The 100% analog SansAmp Tube Amplifier Emulation technology encompasses the entire signal chain, from pre-amp to power amp to speaker simulation. An integral part of the circuitry, the SansAmp speaker simulation will complement any type of guitar or bass speaker cabinet system. You can also place an external IR after a SansAmp to give additional flavor if you so desire. The SansAmp speaker sim is designed and individually tailored for a smooth, even response as would be achieved by a multiply-miked cabinet –without peaks, valleys, and notches associated with single miking and many IRs.
• While larger than our other SansAmp pedals, the Programmable Bass Driver DI still fits into a gig bag. Actual size: 7.25”L x 5.25”W x 2.25”H.
• Even with its roadworthy all-metal construction, each unit weighs in at a mere 25 oz.
• Operable via phantom power.
• Operable with 9V alkaline battery (not included).
• Optional DC power supply is available:
Tech 21 model #DC9. Click HERE.
(Also operable with former models #DC2 and #DC4).